Saturday, June 13, 2009

In the name of Karma

well guess what? karma bites you in the butt? it's SO 100% TRUE!

and TRIPLE KARMA bites me this week urgh not cool seriously

1st case . i used to hate YESUNG (super junior) i told tania about me hate yesung and she hate me. haha kidding. she told me that yesung's voice is so amazing. then i realized that his voice is so AMAZING (it's true tanzz). and he's so cute in music bank. and now, i adore him :| :| karma
2nd case. so i already watched boys before flower like 2 times or whatevs and i ddn't like Kim Hyun Joong. the one who played Ji Hoo. and now after he cut his hair for the second time, HE LOOKS SO KEWL. and i watched his newest CF and OMG i'm so deeply in love with him :):) nyahah :| :| karma
3rd case. i love super junior and their sub units. and i love super junior M. there are 2 additional members. henry and zhoumi. well I LOVE HENRY. but i used to hate zhoumi coz i think his nose is weird. but now, after i really really listened the song very carefully, i also love ZHOU MI urgh urgh urgh :| :| karma

welll enough of that. no more karma please (exp plurk's karma. ;} )

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