Wednesday, May 20, 2009
In the name of AI
well my schedule is full of DOWNLOADING videos and watching some korean movies. well it's fun you know to see a lot of korean faces. coz i think korean boys is lalala handsome and korean girls are yayaya beautiful.
and if you ddn't find me here or facebook. find me in youtube and plurk. and now my twitter is ACTIVE again finally. because my MOZILLA FIREFOX back to normal. hahah byebye iE see ya nowhere. well recently, i love to tweet and plurk. but i prefer tweet coz tweet doesn't have KARMA. well i love karma esp when it gaines. but urgh it's hard to gain your karma. hmm hmm hmm
well today i also want to say trully sorry for all of my friends and senior because of my prom poster. yaya "hedonism is key" well i ddn't really know that there's something like that. coz i really ddn't get a chance to see the poster before. so i was shocked. ya i'm SHOCKED. and really i think we could make a better poster. sorry for the rude comment yayaya. but whatev i ddn't make it blah.
And i opened my twitter page and i saw alot of my friends tweet like this "American Idol. Who'll win?" and yeah WHO WILL WIN AMERICAN IDOL???? last week i ddn't expect that danny gookey out of teh game. so there are Adama Lambert and Kris Allen. and maybe i'll pick ADAM LAMBERT. coz he's freakin hot and different. hahaha
like 2 months ago i told my mom " Mom can adam be my husband?" ahahahahahha and of course my mom said "NO" yayaya still he's different from the other contestant. and i ddn't really know Kris Allen. coz my eyes are really into Adam Lambert and Danny Gookey. since danny is no longer in AI, so i VOTE FOR LAMBERT. ahahahhah but Ashley Tisdale vote for Kris Allen. and i say blabla you Allen and i Lambert :) need i say more?
az there's nothing i can say more. huhuhu well ok. bye lve!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
and now i'm back. yaey me
so as you know, i'm still in my holiday. yup. i'm in the holiday and my other friends in the middle of school exam. haha yaya
and i'm so bored and i ddn't know what to do. well, i'm browsing and browsing and browsing about BOYS BEFORE FLOWER and SUPER JUNIOR and also SHINee
LOL picts :):)



SHINee - onew taemin jonghyun minho key

Lee Minho as Gu Jun Pyo in BBF


Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
In the name of BOF
and i slept at my friend's house last monday till thursday. and we watche BOYS OVER FLOWER or boys before flower. well same. and we already finished 25 episode. woohooo :):) and this morning, i looked at tania's iTouch. and i found this video. AND IT IS ABOUT YI - JEONG and GA - EUL oh my gosh well i love this copuple. i always waited for their story. ahahaha
"Yi Jeong and Ga Eul
Ga Eul is Jan Di's best friend since
kindergarten. Ga Eul starts developing romantic feelings for Yi Jung after he
helps her get over her boyfriend who just played with her and took her on a fake
date to help set Jun Pyo and Jan Di back up again. At first, it's obvious that
Yi Jung only thinks of her as a good friend when he says he doesn't like girls
that are "nice, idiotic, or involved with his friend". Ever since Ga Eul helps
him through his self-destruction, Yi Jung finds out that Ga Eul, not Eun Jae has
always been by his side. He eventually shows some feelings towards her,
especially when he promises to visits her first by the time he comes back from
hahahhaha YI JEONG IS A HOTTIE. played by KIM SANG BUM or KIMBUM omg HOTTTTTTT! i love him <3
WATCH THIS GUYS. omg <3<3<3
In the name of vanilla love
aaa it's ONEW from SHINee :):) omg he's so cute. and he's a good singer. LOVE LOVE. he's my love now. omg i'm in love with onew :):)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
In the name of the national exams
yeah guys i'm so free. ahah no school yess yess.
gw akan menceritakan gimana pengawas gw pas uan. haah secara kalo uas ya biasa aja karna yang jaga ya guru - guru sekolah juga. jadi ya please biasa aja wkwk
jadi hari pertama kan kita di jaga sama salah satu sekolah di BSD juga. ya bisa dibilang ga gitu jauh lah. paling ga nyampe 5 menit naik mobil. haha dan satu ruang di jaga 2 guru. kebetulan guru yang jagain tuh cewek dan cowok. palnggil saja Bu K dan Pak U. hahaha nah ni guru berisiknya minta ampun. entah si Bu K bersenandung ria tanpa melihat muka - muka murid yang stress gara - gara soalnya tricky nya minta ampun. Trus Pak U serasa curhat sama Bu K. wedeh ini nih yang paling uedan. Pak U .........-norak-......... ukh ukh hard to say sih tapi iya. jadi gini kronologis ceritanya
Pak U : *ketok - ketok greenboard*
Bu K : *ngeliatin*
Pak U : *ngelus - ngelus greenboard*
Bu K : *ngeliatin*
gw : *dalam hati ngomong ' buset dah ni guru. kagak pernah ngeliat papan tulis warna ijo apa ya'*
Pak U : *(tetep) ngetok - ngetok*
Bu K : *(tetep) ngeliatin*
gw : *sambil mikir ngeliatin tu orang berdua*
Pak U : " ini terbuat dari apa ya? *nanya ke Bu K"
gw : *ngomong dalam hati 'busyettt beneran gatau ni guru ckck'*
Bu K : wahh gatau tuhh
okeh disaat gw bener - bener meres otak gara - gara soal yang hm.... SUSAH mereka malah curhat lah blablabla lah. argh mending kecil suaranya. gila aja. ya mau diapain lagi ya gw cumapn bisa berdoa semoga besok ga diawasin mereka lagi GYAHAHAHAHHA
okehh biasanya habis gelap terbitlah terang. habis sedih terbitlah kegembiraan. dalam kasus ini habis menderita terbitlah penderitaan lainnya. ya. dihari kedua gw teuteup dapet pengawas yang gokil to the max. urkh ..........................NOT...............
jadi dimulailah seperti biasa baris dan kita ke kelas masing - masing. hmm.. dalam pikiran gw "cie elah bahasa inggris nih okelah" dan gw liat Pak U yang tempo hari mengawasi gw ke atas dan gw berpikir "YESSSSSS NO MORE PAK U" ya maksut gw bagus supaya gw bisa tenang ngerjainnya.
begitu gw ngeliat di kelas, ternyata gw diawasin sama 2 guru laki - laki. nyahahaha okeh biasa aja. jadi anggaplah satu Pak W = white (karena putihnya minta ampun seperti memakai rangkaian kosmetik dari perusahaan kosmetik berinisial TF) dan satu lagi Pak J = JIDATTT (men jidatnya ga nahan. udh nonjol, kotak pula. ditambah dengan celananya yang gantung banget dan wanginya yang .... WAHHH BANGETT.....)
dimulai dengan sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan Pak W berusaha bikin kita tertawa dan gw malah asik bunderin LJUN gw. hahaha trus si Pak J mondar - mandir mulu gila wanginya kayak bapak - bapak mau kondangan aja. padahal ini kan sanur. gaada yang mau kondangan pakkk. akhirnya gw ga konsen gara - gara baunya yang menyerbak lebih harum daripada bunga di musim semi.
udah lah lanjut aja ke hari ketiga. nah ini nih gw TETEP SAMA PAK J. men BAUNYA TETEP. CELANANYA TETEP. gw curiga dya mandi pake celana itu soalnya sama gitu gantungnya. nah tapi yang pingin gw permasalahin adalah 1 guru lagi yang menggantikan Pak W *ukh ukh i miss you Pak W hahaha nggak deng* kita sebut aja penggantinya hmmm Pak B = BESAR *soalnya dia gede banget gw ampe takutr ngeliatnya*. tapi dya itu ngocol saudara - saudara. disaat yang lain nanda tanganin 3 lembar. gw cuman dikasih 2. gw juga bingung. gw tanya Chris dya bilang 3. gw tanya Asti dya bilang 3 juga. TAPI KENAPA GW 2? akhirnya setelah semuanya selesai gt dia baru bingung gara - gara ada yang belom tanda tangan satu lembar hahaha itu gw -,- dan dia ngomong
Pak B : kamu belom tanda tangan satu ya?
gw : iya *muka semerawut bt*
Pak B : kok belom tanda tangan? *oktaf lebih tinggi*
gw : *gw udh sebel banget nihhh * lah bapak tadi nggak ngasih ke saya. saya dilewatin. kan tadi bapak langsung ke diana. mana saya tau kan bapak ga ngasih
Pak B : ooo
gw : *tanda tangannya sambil cemberut*
-terus kan kita emang di absensi harus nulis nama. nah terus si Cindy GAK NULIS NAMA GITU. tapi gw yang kena-
Pak B : lho kamu gimana sih ga nulis nama?
gw : nulis kok pak
Pak B : lho ini siapa? kamu kan?
gw : *naik darah* pak saya nomer 9 yang belom ditanda tanganin tuh nomer 8. saya desire prima itu dibawahnya udah ada nama saya.
Pak B : oooo
LAGI - LAGI OOOOOOOO. urgh adipasgfpbrxfpptgxnl bt
hari keempat adalah hari yang ditunggu - tunggu. teori gw kalo udh dapet kesialan bertubi - tubi bakal mendapat pencerahan. tapi NGGAK. MALAH TAMBAH PARAH. gw dijaga ama Bu Myra. cuman ini yang satu - satunya gw inget soalnya gaada angin gaada ujan dya blg "ya jadi saya , Bu Myra, akan menjaga kalian bersama Pak..." okeh tapi gw lupa nam Pak nya siapa. Panggil aja Pak A = artis. soalnya kata jonathan mukanya mirip artis dan ampe sekarang jonathan masih aja ketawa kalo nginget si bapak tersebut. walaupun mirip artis tapi bapak ini sangat JAYUS. ati - ati terkontaminasi. buktinya asti sudah terkontaminasi ;P
ni bapak - bapak udah jayus bacot pula. segalanya dikomentarin. dan secara ini IPA kita emang serius ngerjainnya kecuali ebberapa yang berasa pinter kayak joshua yang ga memerlukan coret - coretan. dan gw curiga dya suka ama temen gw, Bebe. dya ngobrol mulu kea gn
Pak A : namanya beatriec ya?
gw : *kedengeran tuh ampe gw dan gw cmn blg urgh*
Bebe : iya
PAk A : ooooo
gw : yaiyalah udh ada namanya di meja malahan
setelah beberapa lama mulutnya kelem dya mulai berbicara lagi
PAk A : sekolahnya ntar dimana?
Bebe : di sanur lagi pak.
gw : *ngerjain sambil blg "busyet dah ni org"*
PAk A : kenapa ga pindah ke.... *itu nama sekolah ayng dia ajar*
Bebe : hahahahah
gw : *siap - siap buka sepatu dan siap - siap ngejejelin ke mulutnya*
PAk A : kok itu kamu gaada jawabannya nomer 43?
Bebe : bingung pak.
PAk A : kenapa bingung?
gw : *blg dalam hati "busyett ya bingung lah yang bikin soal ga berperasaan. gw aja yang ga lo tanyain ngomel - ngomel"*
Bebe : antara C ato D pak
Pak A : tahu mah bukan fermentasi
gw : * blg dlm hati "KENTUTTTTT LOO NGASIH TAU JAWABAN! -fyi semua option ada tahu kecuali satu"*
haha esmosi dah gw. terus kan guru - guru dikasih permen gitu kan dr bu eus,. trus gw laper gitu. nah pas si Pak A ngambil, gw ngeliatin gt. dan dya dblg "mau??" ah nyolot ahhhh
hahaha dan akhirnya uan usai. begitulah ceritanya tentang pengawas - pengawas yang konon katanya baik tetapi ajaib :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
In the name of 1 friggin day
i already finished my SOCIAL STUDIES EXAM. woohoo how excited am i right now? well pretty excited. well finally tomorrow is a SUPER big day. probably it's bigger that NEILS' body. haha kidding. so tomorrow is the last day of school. and we'll have civic education and RELIGIOSITAS> and now i'm here (in front of my computer and typing this blog) coz i'm waiting for the download of civid education materials hahaha pretty cool right. and it still 70 %. so i ddn't know what to do.
so JUST I MORE DAY! goshhh are you sxcited? haha we're so free less than 18 hours more guys. hahaha so i'll tell you about my uan hihi
1st day (indonesian) arghhh it was tricky............ricky.................. haha okay stop talking and thinking about ricky. well he's asti's bf ;P so i sat behind asti (agaiinn) and my number is 04-08-049-8 hahahha how cool is that? and i'm A student. and some of my friends are B students. well basically A and B are the same. but the numbers are not the same. and well i totally did it. i hope my score will be so great. like 9 or 9 blablabla
and the second day, i basically didin;t know what to study. but i tried to and (well) i studied. and it's not a bad and not great. it's so DAMN HARD i think. coz there are a lot of vocabularies and i didin't prepared at all for many vocabularies.
THIRD DAY is the best day. it's math and i'm so glad that i checked it 4 times or 5 times. coz in my 4 times, i found out that there's one number (it's number 22) is wrong. and i changed it really quickly. from option C to option D. ahahhhahahaha kewll :):)
the forth day and the final day. IT'S FRIGGIN SCIENCE. and i ddin't really that good in science. yeah i can study science but i'm not the best and the most genius student. so hahaha i got 8,75 huhu pretty bad right? gosh i'm crying right now............................not...
and today i had social studies exam and yeahh i did it well. i'm hoping to see a great score. hahaha :):)
finally TOMORROW> yeahhhhhhhhh it's all done. we;re so free. we can do whatever we want to. roll in the bed. get up at 8 o'clock in the morning. no school. no homeworks. no test. hahahha finally.
oh it's 100% already. so i have to off. huhu bubye :)