Friday, May 1, 2009

In the name of 1 friggin day

i already finished my SOCIAL STUDIES EXAM. woohoo how excited am i right now? well pretty excited. well finally tomorrow is a SUPER big day. probably it's bigger that NEILS' body. haha kidding. so tomorrow is the last day of school. and we'll have civic education and RELIGIOSITAS> and now i'm here (in front of my computer and typing this blog) coz i'm waiting for the download of civid education materials hahaha pretty cool right. and it still 70 %. so i ddn't know what to do.

so JUST I MORE DAY! goshhh are you sxcited? haha we're so free less than 18 hours more guys. hahaha so i'll tell you about my uan hihi

1st day (indonesian) arghhh it was tricky............ricky.................. haha okay stop talking and thinking about ricky. well he's asti's bf ;P so i sat behind asti (agaiinn) and my number is 04-08-049-8 hahahha how cool is that? and i'm A student. and some of my friends are B students. well basically A and B are the same. but the numbers are not the same. and well i totally did it. i hope my score will be so great. like 9 or 9 blablabla

and the second day, i basically didin;t know what to study. but i tried to and (well) i studied. and it's not a bad and not great. it's so DAMN HARD i think. coz there are a lot of vocabularies and i didin't prepared at all for many vocabularies.

THIRD DAY is the best day. it's math and i'm so glad that i checked it 4 times or 5 times. coz in my 4 times, i found out that there's one number (it's number 22) is wrong. and i changed it really quickly. from option C to option D. ahahhhahahaha kewll :):)

the forth day and the final day. IT'S FRIGGIN SCIENCE. and i ddin't really that good in science. yeah i can study science but i'm not the best and the most genius student. so hahaha i got 8,75 huhu pretty bad right? gosh i'm crying right now............................not...

and today i had social studies exam and yeahh i did it well. i'm hoping to see a great score. hahaha :):)

finally TOMORROW> yeahhhhhhhhh it's all done. we;re so free. we can do whatever we want to. roll in the bed. get up at 8 o'clock in the morning. no school. no homeworks. no test. hahahha finally.

oh it's 100% already. so i have to off. huhu bubye :)

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